This is the road that takes you to St George's Bay and onward to Qajjenza. That is if you are walking along the seashore. In the foreground at the left of the photo you can see a wall that seperates the Enemalta Fuel Storage (ex Shell Company Depot) from the roadway. Many years ago the locals used to call this location 'wara t'tankijiet' which in English meant 'at the rear of the of the tanks'. The tanks were the huge fuel storage tanks, about eight of them that Shell Company built above ground during the 1920s.
In the background is the suburb of Qajjenza. One can see all the new buildings, houses and holiday apartments that have been built since 1970. Nowadays these buildings cover a very large area and still growing at a fast rate.
This new locality is becoming a very much sought after place for new home buyers and a favourite spot for tourists who seek modern accomodation close to the seashore.
It is only a ten minute walk to the central part of Pretty Bay Birzrbbuga and about a fifteen minute walk to the historic cave of Ghar Dalam.