This photo was taken during WW2, early 1942 by Flt Sgt Thomas Barker RAF.
A local police officer standing duty on the Shell oil tankers Pier. The Shell chimney can be seen in the background at left of picture.
Not many people living today at Birzebbuga would remember the old smoke chimney / ic - cumnijja that was situated at the Shell oil fuel depot at Birzebbuga. Today called Enemalta Fuel Depot. Many years ago we used to call it '' ic - cumnijja tat - tankijiet ''.
It was inside the Depot, situated at the end of Triq it - Tankijiet and Sacred Heart Promenade and in line with the Shell Pier as can be seen in the lower picture.
I used to live very close to this chimney during the 1930s / early 1940s. It was very close to the small area that used to be called '' il - Gzira ''.
Close to the chimney there used to be a large uncultivated field that the local soccer team players used to do their training and practise.