A street that I know very well. It has changed a great deal since 1955. During the 1940s and 1950s it was only 2 blocks long. St Francis Xavier Str divided the 2 blocks. During WW2 two bombs fell in St Francis Xavier Str. One of them right on the corner to St Phillips Str. About 5 houses were destroyed and another 5 badly damaged. Another bomb fell at the top end of St Francis Xavier Str opposite where the Spiteri family lived.
I just about knew every family that lived in St Phillips Street.
I remember these families: Vella, Micallef, Muscat, White, Zahra, Semini, Debrincat, Sacchett, Sultana, Bonnici, Gauci, Schembri, Gelarda the midwife, Baldacchino - ta-gogo family, Gatt family, Bugeja family, Camilleri family and others.
During the war there was a Goverment Air Raid shelter right at the top end of St Phillips Str opposite where the Vella 'ta L-Isla' family lived. All these families used to go down this shelter during the air raids and sleep together in the shelter.
The Street looks very bright and clean today and new families have settled there, along the extended street which now has about eight blocks.