Many old timers at Birzebbuga may remember these R.N. vessels that were always part of the harbour scene at Marsaxlokk Bay - Birzebbuga Bay. The locals used to call them (in Maltese) ' tal - bagi '.
The names of these vessels were 'HMS Bardolf' -- 'HMS Barcroft' and 'HMS Moorstone'. These small ship were always seen at work in Malta's harbours. We always had them at Birzebbuga Bay during the 1930s, during WW2, the 1940s and even after that period.
The crews of these ships used to do work / maintenance on bouys. Lifting bouys and cleaning them and painting them. They changed bouys and installed new ones for the hundreds of ships that berthed at Malta's Grand Harbour and Marsaxlokk Bay.
They were always part of the Birzebbuga harbour scene.
Back in the 1940, about the last years of WW2, I used to have a little boat and I used to row out in the Bay at Birzebbuga to these ships at the end of their working day when they used to come in very close to the Birzebbuga shores and drop anchor for the night.
I got to know one of the crew. He always wanted a copy of the Times of Malta. So we made a deal. I give him the newspaper and he used to give me some food, like bread and biscuits and some fruit. During 1943 - 1944 food was still scarce and rationed so the food he gave me I used to take it home.
This went om for many months. Every day at about 5pm I used the jump into my little boat and taking with me a copy of the Times of Malta and row over to the BARDOLF. It was good fun for me and I was always on time by the side of the ship.
I believe the Bardolf and the Barcroft both surived the War, although I do think that one of them was hit by a bomb in Grand Harbour. They were put up for sale by the Admiralty in 1961.
The HMS Moorstone was hit by a bomb near the Suez Canal and sank. It was later brought up from the sea and towed to Gibraltar. It was repaired and later sold.
The little RN ships that were part of Malta and Birzebbuga for many years.