BIRZEBBUGA PEOPLE This photo was taken by reporter of The Times of Malta on Monday 10th Sept. 1951. The day I left Birzebbuga for Melbourne Australia on the English liner SS Asturias. Five men from Birzebbuga migrated to Australia on that day. 1. Myself. William J. Coxhead. - Melbourne 2. My brother Johnny Coxhead who played football with St Peters of Birzebbuga 1953, 3rd Div Champions. Migrated to Aust 1954. 3. My father. William N. Coxhead. He was in charge of the Power Station at R.N. base Kalafrana (Passed away 1953. RIP) 4. Joseph / Zeppi Cutajar of Birzebbuga, nickname ' ta - Fidiel '. Migrated to Melbourne but returned to Malta a few years later. (RIP) 5. Frankie Borg Falzon of Birzebbuga. Also played football with St Peters of Birzebbuga 1953, 3rd Div Champions. (RIP) 6. Tony Camilleri of St Georges Bay / Birzebbuga. Migrated to Melbourne. Lived and passed away in NSW Australia.(RIP) 7. Tony Camilleri's friend from Birzebbuga. 8. Mikiel Farrugia of Birzebbuga. Migrated to Melbourne. Passed away in Melbourne (RIP) 9. A Maltese migrant to Australia. No name 10 Lolly Savona. Migrated to Melbourne. Lolly's parents operated the Belle Isle Theatre at Birzebbuga during the 1940 - 1950s. Lolly lives in Melbourne. 11. Baby Joseph Calleja. My nephew. Son of Ninu Calleja (of Zurrieq Road) and Emily Calleja nee Coxhead. Joseph and his parents migrated to Melbourne March 1958 on the ill fated MS Skaubryn. The ship caught fire and sank in the Indian Ocean, April 1958. Joseph lives in Melbourne. 12. Anthony / Toni Gauci of Birzebbuga. His family nickname 'ta - Beccuna' He was a Sgt in the Army. (Passed away. RIP) 13. Eddie who owned and drove the Birzebbuga Bus No 1212. The bus was named VICTOR and he was known as 'Eddie tal Victor' (RIP) 14. This person was from Birzebbuga. He was called ' it - Tunezin ' 15. A Maltese migrant who sailed on the SS Asturias. 16. A friend of Lolly Savona. Both of Birzebbuga. 17. A Maltese migrant who sailed on the SS Asturias. The other persons are relatives and friends of the persons who were leaving Malta. **********************
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Birzebbuga - Church Street

A photo of Church Str Birzebbuga. My parents lived there during 1934 - 1936. Only one house away from the Maria Addolorata Church which at that time was still used as the main village Church. Shortly after the new St Peters Church became the main Parish Church. Opposite our house was a small triangular square and the street on the right hand side was Addolorata street that ended up at Tanks street. The Degabriele family / Mikiel and Kelina operated the local bakery which was always a very busy shop.
Our house was on the 1st floor and the Roberts family lived below us on the ground floor. A bunch of local kids used to play football in the small square.
Click on photo to enlarge.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Floodwater and local kids having fun.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Birzebbuga of many years ago

Upper photo. This location is most likely near Borg in Nadur by the old Chapel.
Lower photo taken in the 1950s showing part of Pretty Bay. The old WW2 gunpost can still be seen opposite the Smiling Prince Bar.
Photos sent by Joseph Camilleri of NSW Australia.

The above two photos were taken by Kenneth Incorvaja Oct 2009. Shows the same location near Borg in Nadur by the old Chapel.
Photos sent by Kenneth Incorvaja of Malta GC.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A group of men from Birzebbuga at Kalafrana
This photo was taken about 1951. Most of the men are from Birzebbuga and worked at the R. N. base Kalafrana Power station. My father No 13 was the foreman. I knew most of them. I have numbered them so hoping anyone who remembers the ones that are unnamed can send me the names and I'll update the photo. Click on photo to enlarge.
As far as I know No 8 Simiana and No 17 Vella are still alive. No 6 Borg and No 16 were men from Sliema. Both of them were motor mechanics at Gasan Ford at the Gzira workshops during 1947-48. No 6 Joe Borg, I met him in 1996 when I visited Malta. He has passed away RIP. Everyone at Birzebbuga knew No 4 Cikku Frankalanza ' is sagristan ' at the Parish Church. No 15 is Johnny Vella (not sure) I think he was the Cubmaster of the Birzebbuga Scout Group during c1946.
No 11 is Victor Borg-Falzon used to live near the bakery of ' tal fattu', his son used to play with the St Peters FC during the 1950s. No 3 is Guzeppi Vella his family used to operate the butcher shop a short distance up from the Police Station.
No 12, I think this man was Karmnu Casha from Bir id Deheb or Tarxien. No 17 is Guzi Vella, I last met him during 1999 when I visited Malta. He lives in Addolorata Str. Anyone knows Guzi, please pass on my best wishes.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Toni Brincat barber shop at Pretty Bay

This little shop on the main road at Pretty Bay must be rated with other places of history that belong to the town of Birzebbuga. It was operating in the early 1930s and most likely even before that period of time.
Used to be called ' il hanut ta Toni l' barbier '. That was Toni Brincat.
What is special about this little shop is that during the years of WW2 it stayed open every day even during the peak of the German blitz on Kalafrana RAF base and Hal Far airfield. Of course there must have been other places that stayed open during the days of WW2 but what stands out in my memory is that a small group of Birzebbuga men who had absolutely no fear of the bombs that rained on and around the village, they used to gather every day near the shop and while the air raids were on and bombs were being dropped by the German bombers this small group of men never went down in the air raid shelters. Luckily no bombs fell close by that location. The bar / coffee shop next door was a handy place for them to enjoy a glass of tea or coffee.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
H.M.S BRECONSHIRE at BIRZEBBUGA -- March 1942 -- 1954

March 26th 1942. HMS Breconshire badly damaged and on fire is towed into Marsaxlokk Bay.
Map showing Marsaxlokk Bay and the position where the ship sank after being attacked by German dive bombers on the 27th March 1942.

The ship was refloated during 1954 and towed to Italy where it was eventually scrapped.

HMS BRECONSHIRE as it looked just before WW2 started.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
THE SMALL SHIPS AT BIRZEBBUGA BAY - The locals called them ' tal - bagi '

Many old timers at Birzebbuga may remember these R.N. vessels that were always part of the harbour scene at Marsaxlokk Bay - Birzebbuga Bay. The locals used to call them (in Maltese) ' tal - bagi '.
The names of these vessels were 'HMS Bardolf' -- 'HMS Barcroft' and 'HMS Moorstone'. These small ship were always seen at work in Malta's harbours. We always had them at Birzebbuga Bay during the 1930s, during WW2, the 1940s and even after that period.
The crews of these ships used to do work / maintenance on bouys. Lifting bouys and cleaning them and painting them. They changed bouys and installed new ones for the hundreds of ships that berthed at Malta's Grand Harbour and Marsaxlokk Bay.
They were always part of the Birzebbuga harbour scene.
Back in the 1940, about the last years of WW2, I used to have a little boat and I used to row out in the Bay at Birzebbuga to these ships at the end of their working day when they used to come in very close to the Birzebbuga shores and drop anchor for the night.
I got to know one of the crew. He always wanted a copy of the Times of Malta. So we made a deal. I give him the newspaper and he used to give me some food, like bread and biscuits and some fruit. During 1943 - 1944 food was still scarce and rationed so the food he gave me I used to take it home.
This went om for many months. Every day at about 5pm I used the jump into my little boat and taking with me a copy of the Times of Malta and row over to the BARDOLF. It was good fun for me and I was always on time by the side of the ship.
I believe the Bardolf and the Barcroft both surived the War, although I do think that one of them was hit by a bomb in Grand Harbour. They were put up for sale by the Admiralty in 1961.
The HMS Moorstone was hit by a bomb near the Suez Canal and sank. It was later brought up from the sea and towed to Gibraltar. It was repaired and later sold.
The little RN ships that were part of Malta and Birzebbuga for many years.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The WW2 Gunpost and the Rock

One of the many WW2 gunposts / pillboxes that are still in existance scattered all over Malta. This one is very well camouflaged with rubble stones cemented all over. In the background is the well known rock called Filfla which was used by the military as a target for practice shelling for many years.
Monday, May 4, 2009

The CMA CGM Andromeda became the longest vessel to enter a Maltese harbour when it berthed at Malta Freeport last week.
The huge container ship was guided in by Chief Pilot J.Mifsud and Pilot Anthony Chetcuti. The vessel was assisted by three Tug Malta tugs, Pawlina, Wenzina and Mari.
The Andromeda is brand new, having been built by Hyundai Heavy Industries and delivered in March. It has a gross tonnage of 131,332 tons and is 363.6 metres long (the length of four football grounds). The ship has a beam of 45.6m and a draft of 15.5m (max). Its height from keel to the top of the mast is 70 metres.
Photo: Pilot A.Chetcuti.
Friday, May 1, 2009

A photo of at Pretty Bay Birzebbuga. The popular Bar was situated on the corner of New Street and next door to Tony Brincat's barber shop. Above these two shops was the billiards Club, today the St Peters FC Club. Back during the 1940s and 1950s the Club was operated by Joe's brother Carmelo / Karmnu. The photo of JOE's BAR was taken c1958 by Bill Gutsky an American serviceman who was stationed at Hal Far. Today Bill Gusky lives in Florida USA. He sent me the photo.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Marsaxlokk Bay / Kalafrana Freeport
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Pretty Bay before the sand took over
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Old Kalafrana - Birzebbuga Bus
Friday, April 17, 2009
Part of old Birzebbuga and Qajjenza
A distant view of part of old Birzebbuga and Qajjenza. Photo taken from Kalafrana R.A.F base c1935. In the top left hand corner one can see the chimney of the Shell Company fuel Depot. Not many buildings existed at Qajjenza in those years but the old Dowdall family Hotel can be seen in the background.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Kalafrana R.A.F. Base c1922

A very old picture of the RAF Base at Kalafrana (now The Freeport Ship Container Terminal) The RAF Base was was started about 1917 as a seaplane base. By 1922 when this photo was taken there wasn't much buildings were in place. Just this aircraft hanger and small workshops for aircraft maintenance..